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by KIRUBAGARAN DANIEL @, INDIA, Sunday, September 06, 2009, 09:26 AM (5384 days ago) @ KAMAL

Hi all folks in this forum who are talking and dreaming about huge amounts in crores to sell non existing items.

Recently I lost my dear brother aged 44 in anxiety when one such deal did not materialize ( he was expecting 50 lakhs on that day)

In all such deals the real sellers and real buyers are non existing only middlemen try to cheat and fraud amounts talking about huge international markets

RP Copper iridium coins cannot exist as per metallurgy. these metals cannot form an alloy, further Iridium was named only in the year 1803. In India we have lots of mythological stories and these can be attached to such beliefs. If it is needed in rocket and defense fields Govts can either make them or import from other countries. and they dont deal with such illegal sellers. the minuscule amount present in the coins which claimed to have magical purposes cannot be used in any way. and quoting 500 1000 crores for such materials is again not practical any one can make a fake coin by understanding the coin making technic

Naga mani is another non existing material. There are snakes in other countries which are more poisonous than Cobras of India. All snake points are Cyanide hydrate salts[/color] which have more water affinity and they dissolve immediately in water. Rocks and stones do not get dissolved in water all precious stones have carbon in them and they refract light to dazzle when the face are cut in such a way snake venoms are not stored permanently the secrete only when they are spilled and the quantity may be just 5 ml.

double engine is again a fake every living being has a mouth and anus, mouth to eat and anus to excrete this is true with the smallest being, the virus to the blue whale there no living beings with two heads one at each end. further these snakes cannot possess any libido rising materials this is belief because it resembles the shape of a human organs. If someone says if you swallow the poison of a snake for better sexual performance no one will do that.

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